Archive for June, 2008



June 26, 2008

Last night at the Post, a part of the message really got to me:

When you feel called, whether your heart is set on fire by a great message, worship service, or a deep prayer time with the Lord, TAKE ACTION.

If you do not act, the more likely you are to never act when God gives you that fire again.

We need to act immediately.

The analogy of the two house builders was given. Both man were told to build homes. One man chose to build upon sand because it was everywhere. The other man chose to build his home upon rock, though it was more difficult to find. The home build on sand was washed away as soon as the rains came, but the house on the rock remained. The man who built his home on the rock saw the big picture, while the man who built on the sand was living in the moment.

Sometimes we don’t take time to consider the consequences of our actions and our inactions.

Often, we’re afraid we’ll have to “give up too much” for God.

But are we in a place to decide what is “too much”? He gave his son for our sins. We are the ones indebted to him.


Praying for the Children

June 24, 2008

Sometimes I wonder why I’m working another summer camp. My experience last year was what I often describe as “terrible”. Past grudges and unmemorable moments aside, I decided to try out the whole “camp counselor” deal this year.

I really enjoy being around kids. I like talking to them. I love their inhibited happiness 🙂

Unfortunatley, this is not what I’m experiencing this year at camp. There are so many children who come from so many different homes. Spoiled kids, kids with no rules, children with strict (and possibly abusive) parents… the list goes on. There are children taking medicine for ADD, depression, anxiety. These disorders are not meant to plague young children. It’s heartbreaking to see our youth of today restrained by drugs, home problems, and insensitive parents.

I come home from work drained every day. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. I wanted this summer to be one where I would be able to give to the kids. I want them to have the best camp experience they’ll ever have. It’s not only the combination of the children, but how things are run as well. I like all of my coworkers, but there are so many gaps in our communication with one another that we are constantly stepping on each others’ toes. It’s just so frustrating 😦

I’ve lifted the kids, the camp, my attitude, my patience in prayer. I don’t want to struggle with this job anymore. There are good days, but there are more days that I would label as bad.

I’m praying for guidance about how to remain positive in this job.

(9)For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. (10)And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, (11)being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully (12)giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. (Colossians 1:9-12)


Talking Strawberries

June 21, 2008

Do you know why He doesn’t often answer prayer right away? Because he wants to talk to us, and sometimes that’s the only way to get us to stay and talk to Him. (Wild at heart, 36)

Interesting, huh? Lately, something has been sitting heavily on my shoulders. My parents. They should have no trouble talking to me, but I feel like they’re afraid to speak to me. I realize that I’m not home often, juggling work, church, friends and running. The brief times I do have with them, we talk about the weather, or some other insignificant subject.

I’m frusturated that my own family doesn’t provide much in the way of spiritual growth. Thankfully, God has put numerous friends in my life who I can talk to. But living in a Christian household should offer strengthening of my relationship with the Father. I feel like I don’t know my mom and dad (spiritually), even though I’ve been with them for over twenty years.

I’m praying for guidance in a way to talk to them. I love them, but I want something more. I want to share in our love for the lord.

I need to talk to Him and depend on Him even more. He makes a way.

May we just pause for a moment to look at His beautiful creations? The Lord is good 🙂


Be Here Now

June 19, 2008

I didn’t have Captivating (written by Jon and Stasi Eldredge) with me last night when I made my post, but there were two passages that caught my eye and soul:

If you are called, God will make a way. Either where you are or through a change of circumstances. Follow your Lover (God); respond to His invitations. With Him, there is no stopping you. (211)

I’m all too guilty of wanting to take matters into my own hands. I have felt the call of the Almighty God, and I need to hand over the steering wheel. I struggle with patience, and I need to remember that He will provide what is necessary.

Now we should live when the pulse of life is strong. Life is a tenuous thing… fragile, fleeting. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Be here now! Be here now! BE HERE NOW!

Be here now. Live in the now.

And, finally, lyrics from Tom Petty:

You belong among the wildflowers

You belong in a boat out at sea

You belong with love on your arm

You belong somewhere you feel free.


Diving In

June 18, 2008

From the show “Off the Grid”, Les Stroud (Survivorman) said “You have to dive head-first into your dreams”. On the show, Les and his family are transforming a barn on acerage into their eco-friendly dream home. They dove head first into their dream.

My dream is to Go. The Lord opens doors, and when I see the light, I’m diving in head first. It’s not a blind dive, because I have the Ultimate Savior guiding me. How amazing is that?

I’m diving in, I’m going deep in over my head, I want to be

Caught in the rush, lost in the flow,

in over my head, I want to go.

The river’s deep, the river’s wide,

the river’s water is alive

So sink or swim, I’m diving in!

(Steven Curtis Chapman)

I finished reading Captivating today. What a marvelous book. I cannot wait to begin Wild at Heart. I’m feeling a struggle with many things. One aspect of my life I’ve been lifting up in prayer is my family. Another facet of my life has been the struggle that is all too common to young adults: I’m having to deal with becoming my own person (shaped uniquely by the hands of God), while my parents want me to remain their little girl. There are boundaries and rules that need to be established between my parents and myself. I love my parents, yet I feel trapped and stifled in my own home. I cannot put words to it.

I desire and open relationship with them, but I feel as if they won’t open up to that idea. I’ve been asking the Lord to open up conversation with them.

Today was such a Spirit-filled day. I found myself going about my daily activities, but in a totally different fashion than before. I found myself turning to prayer throughout the day. A sense of peace simply washed over me when I had those times with Him.

On another note, hammocks are a wonderful way to enjoy the majestic beauty of the outdoors that His hands created. 🙂


Looking for Guidance

June 16, 2008

Post #1.

I feel the urge from God to Go. When He calls, I will Go.

The book Captivating puts God into the role of our great Romancer. He romances people in different ways. For some, a picturesque mountain view which displays His glorious creativity makes them swoon. For others, the unconditional love He offers trumps the worries of daily life. As for myself, he has told me to Go, and that makes me long to draw even closer to him. It makes my heart leap with joy.

“Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19)

I’m praying for patience and understanding, not only for myself, but for others as well. As I hear and respond to His call, I know I’ll need comfort for myself and for others.

My biggest fear is becoming caught up in mundane life. I am terrified of going back to school, as I know how easy it is to have a “falling out” with my awesome God. I won’t let my fire burn out. Lord, fan the embers that are glowing in my heart.